A baby is a gift from God to mankind or especially to both parents. Therefore, it is natural that every parent needs to give the best for their child. Therefore, it is important as a Muslim to know how to calm a crying baby in Islam.
In their infancy, babies are not able to speak so crying is the most powerful way to seek attention from their parents. The cry of the baby which eventually became entertainment as well as testing the patience of both parents, especially a wife.
Sometimes, the mother does not know very well the meaning of the baby's crying, which makes the baby constantly cry. Though there are times when the baby cries just because the diaper he wears is not comfortable or it could be that the baby pees.
How to Calm a Crying Baby in Islam And His Prayers
Illustration : Cute Baby |
But there are also babies who are fussy so that they make the mother confused and worried even though she has made various efforts.
Taking care of your baby will make you feel very happy. Especially if it is the first child that has been dreamed of and has gone through many labors, both by caesarean section and normal.
For the second or third baby, you may be used to it. But if this is the first child then you will feel panic.
Like when our baby cries day or night for no apparent reason. This makes us feel stressed because of the pressure to calm the baby.
If your family is a Muslim, there is no need to panic. Because this time we will discuss how to calm a crying baby in Islam so that the baby quickly feels calm both during the day and night.
Although crying is one of the baby's ways to communicate, there is nothing wrong if you know the solution.
That includes how to calm a crying baby in Islam as well as prayer so that our child is not fussy.
When you become a new mother, there are many surprises that you will get. One of them is knowing the baby's language which is quite difficult.
Being a new mom gets some surprises and a lot of experience. One of them is to recognize the meaning of the baby's cry. Baby crying has a variety of meanings, so you need to know the difference. Babies cry according to their needs and depend on how the baby feels.
Therefore, the mother can provide proper handling. We must also learn to understand the newborn baby who must be able to adapt to his new environment.
This is what makes babies cry often. Not only that, some other conditions, such as children who are hungry, thirsty, sleepy, or tired are also one of the conditions that often make babies become fussy and cry.
By understanding what is needed by the baby, it will certainly make it easier for you to find ways to help him. One of the things that is no less important, for Muslims, is how to calm the crying baby in Islam and the fussy baby must be accompanied and assisted by prayer. Here is the explanation.
How to Calm a Crying Baby in Islam
Read prayers and scriptures
How to calm a crying baby in Islam the next is to recite the holy verse of the Quran, namely from the letter At Takwiir verse 20. It reads "Dzii quwwatiin 'inda dzil'arsyi makiin".
After reciting the verse, then blow it on both palms of your hand. Then wipe it on the baby's face and blow it also on your baby's ear. Repeat the same thing several times depending on your beliefs so that your baby begins to calm down.
Try to rotate the murottal
- Read the chair verse
- Read short letters from the Quran
- Telling the Story of Islam
Giving a warm hug to the baby
You can try to calm the baby by giving a warm hug to the baby. In Islam it is explained that jinns and demons were created to plunge and tempt humans to go to heresy.
Your baby may cry because he feels uncomfortable and scared. Babies can't talk so they can only cry to attract their attention. Therefore, accompany your baby, and give the baby a hug or sling. There are many benefits of holding a baby and one of them is to calm your baby.
Carrying while waiting for the baby to calm down
In Islam it is mentioned that caring for a baby is necessary with a sincere and calm feeling. When the baby cries for no reason then you can immediately to carry while waiting for the baby to calm down and sleep.
You can see the look in your baby's eyes and say things that can make your baby feel calm. Often often to talk to the baby gently because this is also a way to train the baby to speak quickly.
Take the baby to play
Your baby is crying because he is uncomfortable and bored. You can try to get your baby to play.
The trick is to take the baby for a walk while being carried and invite to talk, and by swinging the baby. This is also the way taught by the Prophet so that it is in accordance with the demands of Islam.
Show a soft feeling
When your baby cries, he may know and feel when his parents are getting into trouble.
Your baby's feelings can become so sensitive that they cry to find out the condition. If the condition is like that then try to persuade your baby with a soft feeling.
Remove and forget the anger from your heart and try to hold and stroke your baby.
Try giving toys
Babies really like to suck on toys or anything because they don't know yet. Therefore, you need to try to give toys that can make the baby suck.
If the baby is used to using milk bottles, then try giving breast milk in bottles or formula. This method can also make the baby feel calm and comfortable.
Be patient
So all the ways to calm the crying baby in Islam in order to calm down quickly. Islam teaches its people to care for babies either in good health, illness or crying.
In Islam there are indeed demands to provide full breast milk for 2 years. It is the duty of all mothers so that they can provide good nutrition for the baby. You can tell if the baby is fussy may feel hungry and uncomfortable.
You can try to provide breast milk because there are indeed benefits of breast milk for babies including to maintain the health of the baby, make the baby a smart child and make the baby not easily fussy.
Parents should also be able to maintain emotions more when the baby cries, so that the baby becomes more easily calm.
Those are some prayers that you can try to calm the little one who is fussy. In addition to prayer, you can also learn to recognize the meaning of crying so that it can provide proper handling.
The baby who is constantly crying is not good for his psychological condition. As a parent, you need to calm him down quickly. Good luck trying to calm your child with this prayer. *Mey Sarasati