Diagnosis Procedures and Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that attacks the mesothelium part, which is the membrane that coats various organs in the body. This condition is classified as a dangerous type of cancer and can be fatal.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer, but it is quite rare. This condition does not cause symptoms until decades after the patient is exposed to asbestos. In most cases, people diagnosed with mesothelioma are 60–80 years old.
Although it can be handled, most cases of mesothelioma kagker are already at an advanced stage so it is difficult to treat. Therefore, it is important to carry out prevention and periodic checks to prevent this condition.
Diagnosis Procedures and Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer
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Causes of mesothelioma cancer |
Diagnosis Procedures of Mesothelioma Cancer
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will perform a scan, such as:
To detect thickening in the lining of the lungs, fluid in the pleural cavity, or changes in the shape of the lungs
CT Scan
To examine the chest and abdomen area, as well as detect the presence of cancer and check whether the cancer has spread to other organs of the body
PET Scan
To get a detailed picture of the tissue suspected of having cancer
To get a more detailed picture of the organ and determine the location of the tumor
Based on the test results, the doctor may also suggest a follow-up examination in the form of:
Blood test
Blood tests are performed to detect elevated levels of fibulin-3, osteopontin, and peptide in the blood. Levels of these three substances are usually higher in mesothelioma sufferers.
Examination of Liquid Samples
If the patient experiences a buildup of fluid in the body due to mesothelioma, then the doctor will take a sample of the fluid and examine it in the laboratory to detect the presence of cancer cells.
There are several types of fluid sample examinations, namely:
Which is the sampling of fluid in the chest cavity
Which is the taking of fluid in the abdominal cavity
Which is the taking of fluid in the lining (membrane) around the heart
Read More : Diagnosis Procedures and Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer
Biopsy is done by taking a sample of tissue from a certain part of the body to then be analyzed in the laboratory. There are several types of biopsy examinations, namely:
1. Needle biopsy
Needle biopsy is done by thrusting a long needle into the chest cavity or abdomen.
2. Thoracoscopy, Laparoscopy, and Mediastinoscopy
This biopsy is performed by inserting an elastic camera hose and a special surgical instrument through one or more small incisions. The type of biopsy performed depends on the area of the body being examined, namely:
Thoracoscopy, to examine the inside of the chest
Laparoscopy, to examine the inside of the abdominal organs
Mediastinoscopy, to examine the area around the heart
3. Biopsy by surgery
In some conditions, the doctor will perform an invasive procedure to take a larger tissue sample to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor can also simultaneously remove the entire tumor if possible.
There are two types of surgical biopsy procedures, namely:
Thoracotomy, which is performed through open surgery on the chest
Laparotomy, which is performed through open surgery in the abdomen
4. Bronchoscopy biopsy
This biopsy is done by inserting a thin tube through the throat to detect tumors in the respiratory tract. If there is, the doctor will take a tissue sample from the tumor for study.
Read more : Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment and Prevention
Mesothelioma Stage
Based on the size and extent of its spread, mesothelioma is divided into four stages. This division of stages helps the doctor to know the development of cancer cells and the patient's life expectancy, as well as determine the right treatment method.
Here are the stages and life expectancy of mesothelioma sufferers:
Stadium 1
The tumor is still in one area of the body and has not spread to other tissues or organs. At this stage, the patient's life expectancy is 21 months or more.
Stadium 2
Cancer cells enlarge and begin to spread to nearby areas, with a life expectancy of 19 months or less.
Stadium 3
Cancer cells have spread to surrounding organs, with a life expectancy of about 16 months.
Stadium 4
Cancer cells have spread to different areas throughout the body through the bloodstream. At this stage, the life expectancy of sufferers is very low, which is about 12 months.
Hopefully information about the Diagnosis Procedure and Stage of Mesothelioma Cancer can make us know more about how the stages of diagnosing Mesothelioma cancer better.